Sziágyi Forest SchoolCommercial quarters
Children programs for 6-10 years old and 10-14 years old.
There are tours next to the school on the student roads with guides. You can ride a carridge. Events: Day of the Birds and trees, Week of the forests. Family-, children-and animal friendly place and have a 1 ha enclosed garden, parking place.
Record: KOKOSZ Harkály rank, OEE Erdészeti Erdei Iskola rank.
Obstruction release: Partial.
Prices for children group till 19 people: 1850 Ft/people/night
more than 20 people, 1600 Ft/people/night.
Prices for adult groups till 19 people : 2850 Ft/people/night,
more than 20 people: 2600 Ft/people/night
The goups have to pay 850 Ft/people for the day on the last day.
Bicyclerenting 1200 Ff/people/4 hours, 1500 Ft/people/day. Forest school program 450 Ft/people/day
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Spoken languages:
- Hungarian
- Deutsch
- Address: Rinyabesenyő 0183/2
- Phone: 06-82/553-900
- Fax: 06-82/553-901
- Web site: View
- Facebook page: View
- E-mail: Send message
Opening hours:
Whole year.

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