VIDRA – Virovitica-Podravina County’s Development Regional Agenc
VIDRA – Virovitica-Podravina County’s Development Regional Agency is a professional, reliable and well recognized agency in the Region of the Pannonian Croatia, whose quality and value of services provided are measured by increase in the competitiveness of all stakeholders of the County and the Region. VIDRA – Virovitica-Podravina County’s Development Regional Agency (abbreviated VIDRA Development Agency) was established by a Decision of the Assembly of Virovitica-Podravina County on 22 June 2008 as a public institution. It’s primary business is to provide technical and advisory support to programs of international and regional cooperation, particularly EU funds, as well as boost the economy. Development Agency VIDRA employs a total of twelve persons, ten of which are highly educated persons. Activities of Development Agency VIDRA aim to achieve a sustainable increase in living standards for all citizens of Virovitica-Podravina County, and involvement in the creation and implementation of projects of broader interest to the entire region of the Pannonian Croatia. Since the establishment until today, VIDRA Development Agency under IPA CBC HU HR Programme has successfully conducted 3 projects - DENS, LECSS and CROST II. Project D.E.N.S. was presented at the 15th National Conference of Economy and Entrepreneurship in May 2012th. At the same symposium, VIDRA Development Agency has received a valuable prize for the most successful development agency in Croatia for the approved 14 out of 15 projects submitted to the 2nd call IPA CBC HU HR (four of which are "Lead" projects) and 3 approved projects from the IPARD. Today VIDRA Development Agency is implementing 20 projects, and at the same time working on education on writing projects for the of all stakeholders in the County, and is working intensively on new proposals for IPA IV and IPA III C components.